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italy industry|Building and Construction|Materials and Supplies|DIRECTORIES
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Manufactures top quality building equipment, developing the long experience in the manufacture of shores and scaffolds for the construction fields.

"CMA impianti macchine e carpenteria per industria dei Laterizi."

Macchine ed impianti per industria dei laterizi. Automazioni industriali

"Grating - Stair Treads - Ladder Rungs by Staco Baal"

Our Staco plant in Germany, manufacturers Grating, Stair Treads, Ladder Rungs, Security Fencing Elements and any other product relating to Grating for more than 30 years.

"Grating, Stair Treads, Ladder Rungs, Gitterroste, Lagers tufen, Roosters, Traptreden, Caillebotis"

Staco Group specializes in Grating, Stair Treads, Ladder Rungs, Fences, Facades in Steel, Stainless Steel and Aluminium for Industrial and Architectural Purposes.

"Kimia SpA"

Production of special chemicals for ancient and modern building restoring

"Sadi spa"

Sadi S.p.A. offers solutions for the building and shipping industries: ceilings in metal, gypsum, wood, composites, sign systems, raised access floors, ceilings and decors for cruise liners, environment.

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